Here you can find information about all the seminars, pitch sessions, live performances and mingling with participating presenters and circus companies.
Welcome to the CirkusExpo 2025 Online Catalogue, where you can explore the pitches and previews presented at this year’s edition.
Here you can read all you need to know about the registration for CirkusExpo 2025.
Here you will get knowledge on travel, accommodation and other practical information regarding CirkusExpo 2025.
CirkusExpo will take place between February, 13 and 16, 2025. Below you can find everything you need to know about CirkusExpo 2025.
CirkusExpo is a closed event that is specifically aimed at Swedish and international organizations that present or support the performing arts. CirkusExpo is not open to the public.
Expo ♥ Mania
CirkusExpo and the festival CirkusMania collaborate to offer a wide program during the Expo days with the opportunity to experience a large number of live performances from CirkusMania and joint mingling opportunities and parties!
Step 1: You apply to participate (registration for the application will be released in mid-November 2024)
Step 2: Get your registration link via mail
When your application is approved you will receive a link via e-mail to book your programme. Please note that the link will not be sent immediately.
Step 3: Register and book your program
Registration fee: 700 SEK.
Transportation: 60 SEK per travel regardless of destination and distance.
Performance: The price of every show can vary depending on the venues. See prices in the registration form.
Food: Possibility to pre-order lunch and sometimes dinner for 145 SEK per meal. You order your meal through the registration form.
Last day to apply to participate in CirkusExpo, is January 13, 2025.
If you have any questions, please contact:
NOTE: We warmly welcome you to also see performances during the festival that are not part of the CirkusExpo program even though we cannot offer booking service and transport to these performances. Read more at CirkusMania.
If you have any question, please contact us at