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Euphoria. Foto: Amelia Bordahl, Superstudio
Euphoria. Foto: Amelia Bordahl, Superstudio
CirkusExpo 2024


Registration 2025

Here you can read all you need to know about the registration for CirkusExpo 2025.

Programme 2025

The program is under development and will be published when it is ready.

Practical information 2025

Here you will get knowledge on travel, accommodation and other practical information regarding CirkusExpo 2025.

Partners 2025

Here you can read more about CirkusExpo's partners.

CirkusExpo 16–17 februari

CirkusExpo – seminars, pitch sessions and mingling with companies, organizers and other people active in circus in Sweden, the Nordic countries and the world!

Circus Package February 15th–18th

CirkusExpo and the festival CirkusMania offer a joint circus package where, in addition to the CirkusExpo seminar, project presentation and mingle with artists and other presenters, you can take the opportunity to experience up to 9 live performances from CirkusMania.



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CirkusExpo – detailed programme

Friday 16th of Februari 2024 

13:00-13:30: Arrival/coffee

PART 1: Painting a Nordic circus landscape 
13:30- 14:15 (45 min) 
Circus is a field in constant development, nonetheless for the Nordic countries. Nordic Combined will present the current state of the circus in Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, offering a panoramic view of the vibrant scenes in each country. Following this, Magali Bancel will delve into Riksteatern's dedicated circus development work, providing a comprehensive overview. Join us for 45 minutes of insightful exploration into the Nordic circus world.  

14:15-14:45: Paus

PART 2: Who’s afraid of Dramaturgy?
14:45-15:45 (1 hour) 
During this Key-Note, Karel, professor of theatre and performance studies at ULB will explore the notion of circus dramaturgy through a political lens, deconstructing the misconception that circus requires additional narrative elements, a notion often driven by the desire to elevate circus artistry into a more "intellectual" realm,  bending to institutional norms. Karel will explore how circus, as an art form, inherently embodies its unique dramaturgical essence, shedding light on its innate narrative and artistic depth. Karel’s key note will be followed by a time for discussion with two prominent circus artist, responding to Karels discourse, reflecting on their work and their own approach to circus dramaturgy. 

Karel Vanhaesebrouck teaches courses on theatre history, dramaturgy, performance and contemporary theatre. He has published numerous books and articles within these fields. Karel is an avid spectator of (contemporary) circus and teaches at the National Circus High Schools, CNAC, in France and Cirko Vertigo in Italy. 

PART 3: Reflection and Discution around a Swedish fika 
15:45-17:00 (1:15)
A thoughtful session where participants  are invited to gather in smaller groups to delve into guided reflections and discussion. With a cup of warm coffee in hand, explore questions such as the trajectory of circus development from your unique perspective. Share insights on the needs for advancing the circus journey in your organization, region, or country—both artistically and structurally. Together, let's envision the future of Nordic circus and discuss collaborative efforts for its continuous evolution, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Join us for an enriching exchange of ideas and perspectives over a Swedish fika. 

17:30- 18:30: EUPHORIA
By Lone Company in co-production with  Riksteatern, Borås Stadsteater and Cirkus i Väst 

19:30-21:30: Tipping Point
WORLD PREMIERE by Cirkus Cirkör  

21:30-22:30: Mingle

Saturday 17th of February 

10:30- 11:00: Arrival/coffee 

11:00-12:15: Pitch session 1 
Presentation of 8 projects from Sweden, Denmark and Finland

12:15- 13:15: LUNCH 

13:15-14:30: Pitch session 2 
Presentation of 8 projects from Sweden, Denmark and Finland

14:30- 15:15: Mingel/fika 

15:30- 16:30: EUPHORIA
By Lone Company in co-production with Riksteatern, Borås Stadsteater and Cirkus i Väst.  
17:30- 19:30: Tipping Point
WORLD PREMIERE by Cirkus Cirkör  

The 16 selected project presented in the format of pitch sessions are:  

  • Apocalyptic Circus & Cirk-L (SWE): Marianne och jag
  • Below Zero (SWE): In Praise of Shadow
  • Blind Gut Company (FIN): Mannos
  • ENT Management (SWE): Aeldre
  • GLiMT (DEN): The last supper
  • Hands some Feet & Opus Company (FIN): Colosphere
  • Kaaos Kaamos (SWE): It ́s warmer under the snowI
  • Kompani Giraff (SWE): A Study of Losses
  • Nelli Kujansivu (SWE): Pisaroita iholla (Drops on Skin)
  • OLO Company (SWE): Soft Spot
  • Sivuhenkilöt Collective (FIN): Bone Chamber
  • Svalbard Company (SWE): VAL
  • The Vessel (SWE): The Vessel
  • Vejde Grind & Mischa Grind (SWE): Broder i sällskap (working titel)
  • Vice Versa Circus (DEN): Te Dig Kønt/ Tea for Two
  • Wired Studio (DEN): Axial Figures